
Showing posts from April, 2018

In-Class Write

1- When watching Doctor Strangelove , people will immediately learn that during the 1960’s, Americans were very cautious about Soviets, especially the army.  This is because during the movie, the main general of the base, Jack Ripper, becomes very paranoid about chemical being in the water, making people go crazy.  He also instructs his soldiers that unless you know the soldier you see, open fire on them and “ask questions later”. This shows the extent of the paranoia in the military, even if it is overly exaggerated by this completely ridiculous character.  In Eisenhower’s presidency, he despises communism, using extreme methods to show the United States power to the Soviets. It also shows that other countries found the USA’s caution of the Soviets were unhealthy, as shown by the British soldier acting very confused by the situation and finds it absolutely absurd.   The movie also highlights the absurdity of the nuclear arms race, and how easy it is to make a mistake with nuc

Annotated Sources Dulles announces policy of massive retaliation  - I used this source to learn about Eisenhower and his nuclear policies and practices Cuban Missile Crisis  - I used this source to get an in depth idea of the Cuban missile crisis PBS: Cuban Missile Crisis  - I learned about the events before the missile crisis, and what could have happened if nuclear war took place Atomic Diplomacy  - I used this source to learn about the practice of atomic diplomacy, a use of nuclear weapons Nuclear Timeline  - I used this to learn a general idea of the events that took place around the Cuban missile crisis Moscow-Washington DC Hotline JKF Library- Letters  - I used this to learn about the letters written by JFK The vintage news: Herman Kahn  - I used this source to gather information on the inspiration of the character Doctor Strangelove: Herman Kahn John von Neumann  - I used this source to learn


MENU Drinks- Distilled Water   Vodka (Emphasizes that this is the only safe beverages to drink, as said by the general Jack Ripper)   Appetizers - Chicken croquettes (Popular dish during the 1960's, the time period in which the movie was set) Dinners- Wings (Nuclear hot sauce), (This symbolize the intense heat felt by the blast of a nuclear bomb, the hot sauce is made from on of the hottest peppers, the GHOST PEPPER, making it incredibly hot)   dessert- baked Alaska flambe (The creation of this dessert symbolizes the events of the whole movie, with the dessert starting out in a frozen state (like the cold war), then is heated up by vodka being poured on top of it and lighting it on fire, symbolizing the detonation of the nuclear bombs, the vodka is also symbolic of the Soviets, because that is what they are known for.)


This is an original movie poster of the movie Dr. Strangelove It depicts the Americans and Soviets on two opposite in a cartoon-ish fashion. This is a replica of the war room used in the movie Dr. Strangelove. It is where a major portion of the movie took place. Nearly a year after the Cuban missile crisis, a hotline between the United States and the Soviets was established for direct communication between the two nations.  One is used to communicate between the two countries in the movie. This is part of JFK's letter to Khrushchev about the Cuban missile crisis, what communication is like before the hotline, and was to help in diplomacy of the crisis.  Similar to the diplomacy in the movie. This is a B-52 Bomber , what was used to drop a nuclear bomb in the movie, and was the choice plane for nuclear bombs.   This is Khrushchev's letter to the president, about the missile crisis, proving that there was two sides to the communi


You are ordered to attend an Explosively Entertaining Dinner Party Guests: 1- John F Kennedy - President John F. Kennedy was in office during the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis.  The crisis was about the stationing of mid-range nuclear weapons in Cuba by the Soviets.  A thirteen day period of tension occurred, with both sides of the conflict threatening nuclear war.  They came to a diplomatic conclusion, however if there was no agreement, there would have complete nuclear destruction to both parties, like in Doctor Strangelove. 2- Stanley Kubrick - He is the director of Doctor Strangelove, a military, political satire, and dark comedy movie about the dangers of nuclear weapons. 3- Herman Kahn - He is the inspiration for the character doctor Strangelove within the movie of the same name.  He was also the leading nuclear strategist at the time and a leading scientist in the development of the hydrogen bomb. 4- Nikita Khrushchev - He is the man who lead the

Thinking about Progress

   I define progress as the advancement, or positive change, of the status quo.  This can also mean making it to the next step in a plan, or simply getting closer to a set destination.  According to, the progressive era was between the years of 1890 and 1920.  This is mainly started from a group of early progressives actively "rejected Social Darwinism"(  They were also driven by the idea that societal issues could only be solved by "providing  good education, a safe environment, and an efficient workplace" (  The progressive era was the response to the economic and social issues created by industrialization.  Progressive reforms focused on attacking the "evils of corporate greed"( as well as corrupt political issues.  They believed that the public should be the deciders in how any problem was solved, basically advancing the idea of a true democracy.   Here is a list of the goals of the Progressives and how good or

Future Progress

The people in the past had some high hopes for their future, our present. 50 and 100 years ago, people had many misconceptions on what the future would hold. Some of the more reasonable predictions have come true such as: digital color photography, mobile phones, rising height of Americans, pre-prepared meals, television, express trains, movable houses, and slowing population growth. The large portion of predictions have been wishes, mainly because there were many completely crazy predictions not gripped in reality.  However, there were several different predictions that only made an important modification to an existing technology that was correct. There were very few warnings, if any, about technology or the future in general. Some of the other, more unreasonable ones seemed more like wishes, rather than realistic predictions such as the belief that journeys through space in rocket ships will be an established form of transportation, with regularly scheduled tri

19th Amendment Arguments

    There were many arguments against women's suffrage, specifically the right to vote.  They would say nearly anything to make sure they did not earn the right to vote. A major argument was simply that women did not want the right and responsibility to vote.  Their reasoning, which was also given by women, was that because of all the housework, there was simply no time to pay attention to the progression of politics or to go out and vote.  By this logic, many anti-suffragists would say that if women did get the right to vote, only a select few would actually vote. This would mean that because some women may not want to deal with the burden of voting, then the rest have no choice in the matter and automatically can not vote.  Men would also say that women should not get involved with the dirty world of politics because they were too delicate.     There were many different arguments that were for belittling the women of the suffrage movement.  This was shown through the ar

Political Cartoons

This cartoon is showing President Roosevelt shoveling away the protesters against the Panama Canal.  This shows that Roosevelt didn’t care that people did not want to be in the Panama Canal, and making him seem like a tyrannical figure.  This leads me to believe that the artist was unhappy with Roosevelt’s actions. This cartoon is trying to show the gluttony of America towards obtaining new land, and trying to convey that the situation has become excessive.  It is also showing how other countries want be on friendly terms so they do not become next, especially with the confident face on Uncle Sam. The cartoon is showing that America is being very forceful with the territories.  They even try to draw similarities with England’s style of colonization with the blackboard in the back of the classroom. This is to say that we have become the thing we once fought against.

The AIDS Crisis

    The first cases of acquired immunity dysfunction syndrome (AIDS) happened in 1981, with the reported cases of five gay men becoming very sick due to a horrible immune system.  Cases of gay men having horrible immune systems started to become very wide spread, but this was happening to other people as well.  By April of 1982, the CDC estimates that tens of thousands of people have the disease.  As knowledge of blood transfusions transferring the disease arises, measures to test the blood are being taken in early January of 1983.  Once it becomes evident that it is primarily a sexually transmitted disease, in May of 1983, Congress passes a bill allowing funds for research on the disease by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.  Work is done by WHO (World Health Organization) to combat the disease, having governments spread awareness, create evidence based policies, and conduct research.  In 1898, the number of reported cases reaches 100,000.  To provide treatment of the