
Image result for original movie poster of Dr strangelove
This is an original movie poster of the movie Dr. Strangelove
It depicts the Americans and Soviets on two opposite in a cartoon-ish fashion.
Image result for replica of the war room in dr strangelove
This is a replica of the war room used in the movie Dr. Strangelove.
It is where a major portion of the movie took place.

Image result for hotline between russia and us
Nearly a year after the Cuban missile crisis, a hotline
between the United States and the Soviets was established
for direct communication between the two nations.  One is used to
communicate between the two countries in the movie.

This is part of JFK's letter to Khrushchev about the
Cuban missile crisis, what communication is like before the hotline, and was to help in diplomacy of the crisis.  Similar to the diplomacy in the movie.

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This is a B-52 Bomber, what was used to drop a nuclear bomb in the movie,
and was the choice plane for nuclear bombs.  
This is Khrushchev's letter to the president, about the missile crisis,
proving that there was two sides to the communication between the country,
which is what happened during the movie.

This the picture taken from the plane in Cuba that shows the missile launch site.  This is 
similar to the actions that would have been taken to learn about the "doomsday device" in Russia in the 

This is the missile that was station in the Cuban missile crisis.  It is also very similar to the 
bomb dropped on Russia at the end of the movie.


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