The AIDS Crisis

    The first cases of acquired immunity dysfunction syndrome (AIDS) happened in 1981, with the reported cases of five gay men becoming very sick due to a horrible immune system.  Cases of gay men having horrible immune systems started to become very wide spread, but this was happening to other people as well.  By April of 1982, the CDC estimates that tens of thousands of people have the disease.  As knowledge of blood transfusions transferring the disease arises, measures to test the blood are being taken in early January of 1983.  Once it becomes evident that it is primarily a sexually transmitted disease, in May of 1983, Congress passes a bill allowing funds for research on the disease by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.  Work is done by WHO (World Health Organization) to combat the disease, having governments spread awareness, create evidence based policies, and conduct research.  In 1898, the number of reported cases reaches 100,000.  To provide treatment of the illness, 20 million dollars are provided to HRSA.  Work on the treatment of AIDS progresses, and policies created to stop the spreading of the disease become normal, and the fight against AIDS still continues.  However, the rapid spreading of the disease has ceased.

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