

Drinks- Distilled Water Vodka (Emphasizes that this is the only safe beverages to drink, as said by the general Jack Ripper)
 CPAP H2O Premium Distilled Water

Appetizers - Chicken croquettes (Popular dish during the 1960's, the time period in which the movie was set)
Image result for chicken croquettes

Dinners- Wings (Nuclear hot sauce), (This symbolize the intense heat felt by the blast of a nuclear bomb, the hot sauce is made from on of the hottest peppers, the GHOST PEPPER, making it incredibly hot)
 Image result for ghost pepperImage result for hot wings

dessert- baked Alaska flambe (The creation of this dessert symbolizes the events of the whole movie, with the dessert starting out in a frozen state (like the cold war), then is heated up by vodka being poured on top of it and lighting it on fire, symbolizing the detonation of the nuclear bombs, the vodka is also symbolic of the Soviets, because that is what they are known for.)

Image result for baked alaska flambe


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