Thinking about Progress

   I define progress as the advancement, or positive change, of the status quo.  This can also mean making it to the next step in a plan, or simply getting closer to a set destination.  According to, the progressive era was between the years of 1890 and 1920.  This is mainly started from a group of early progressives actively "rejected Social Darwinism"(  They were also driven by the idea that societal issues could only be solved by "providing good education, a safe environment, and an efficient workplace" (  The progressive era was the response to the economic and social issues created by industrialization.  Progressive reforms focused on attacking the "evils of corporate greed"( as well as corrupt political issues.  They believed that the public should be the deciders in how any problem was solved, basically advancing the idea of a true democracy.  

Here is a list of the goals of the Progressives and how good or important the idea was:

1 - Not a Good Idea
2 - Strange Goals
3 - Good goals/not strictly necessary but could really improve life
4 - Essential ideas worth striving for/necessary changes

Eliminate corruptions of the political machines - 4
Conserve and protect natural resources - 4
Improve overall individual lives of all Americans - 4
Political Reform - 3
Prohibit Alcohol - 1
banking reform to help small businesses and the farmers - 3
Improve education - 4
Establish Health and Safety Codes - 2
Improving living environment/housing-2


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