Carnegie Newspaper Research

     Business man Andrew Carnegie received particularly harsh criticism in an Ohio newspaper article.  The writer says that republicans were attempting to lower attention and minimize the events at Homestead.  It is stated that the republican's reason for doing so it to protect Carnegie, and they are doing so by attributing the blame of the whole situation towards those who incited the conflict at Homestead.  They say that there is not nearly enough protection for the workers under Carnegie.  Apparently, a man who was killed at the Homestead strike could only be identified by his co-workers as No. 36.  Republicans are protecting those who, as said by the writer, are worse than the slave owners because at least slaves had names.  There was clearly outrage all over due to companies making laborers more replaceable.  The article interprets Carnegie's actions as saying that he does not think that his employees have a right to organize to protect themselves and their families.  This shows the overwhelming hatred, not just towards Carnegie, but other large business tycoons in general.  Carnegie claims that is the laborers want change he does not want then he can "buy his labor from the open market".  He then added that it could be from other countries if he pleased, and denies the right of labor, which the writer then uses to describe and understand the events at Homestead.  Overall, Carnegie was not liked in the slightest by the public because of the way he treats employees, and how he feels about attaining labor from other areas for a cheaper price.  


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