
Showing posts from January, 2018

Carnegie Newspaper Research

     Business man Andrew Carnegie received particularly harsh criticism in an Ohio  newspaper article .  The writer says that republicans were attempting to lower attention and minimize the events at Homestead.  It is stated that the republican's reason for doing so it to protect Carnegie, and they are doing so by attributing the blame of the whole situation towards those who incited the conflict at Homestead.  They say that there is not nearly enough protection for the workers under Carnegie.  Apparently, a man who was killed at the Homestead strike could only be identified by his co-workers as No. 36.  Republicans are protecting those who, as said by the writer, are worse than the slave owners because at least slaves had names.  There was clearly outrage all over due to companies making laborers more replaceable.  The article interprets Carnegie's actions as saying that he does not think that his employees have a right to organize to protect themselves and their families.  T

Thinking About Success

      To become successful there are four key components needed.  The first, and the most important is hard work.  Hard work is the most important because it is the one thing that you can control 100% of the the time.  In order to become a great ping pong player I spent hours upon hours playing against my brother, learning new ways to play, why I was losing, and what I could do to fix my problems.  This process only happens when you work as hard as you possibly can, otherwise there is no chance of being successful.  The second criteria is opportunities that are given to you.  A person cannot be successful if they have no opportunities to be successful, or if they have those opportunities and do not take the chance.  If you are tentative about taking an opportunity that has been served on a silver platter, then you will not be successful.  The third most important thing is skill.  You may have worked incredibly hard and taken an amazing opportunity to be successful, but if you do not h

Smoke Signals Thesis

  In the movie smoke signals, the characters find the ideas of alcoholism and poverty to be burdensome on their journey, while they find the warrior history of Indians, and the image of the wise Indian inspiring.  Alcoholism because especially damaging to Thomas and Victor because of the car accident.  The stereotype of alcoholism is the driving factor in the case against the main characters.  The police, however, eventually believe them, but is takes a large amount of convincing to make that happen.  We see alcoholism in the beginning of the movie, with the girls in the backwards driving car talking about wanting to stop drinking.  This shows that alcoholism does exist in their community.  Victor is upset about the financial state of his family in the beginning of the movie.  This is because he has no money to be able to visit his father's final resting place.  However, luckily for him Thomas is willing to help him out, however throughout the trip Victor warns Thomas to be especi