Reflection on Paraphrase Practice

   I have learned about the difference between a paraphrase and a summary.  I learned that a paraphrase is restating something in your own words, while a summary is just getting the main points, or a shorter version of something.  I learned that paraphrasing is okay as long as you cite the source that is being paraphrased.  I also learned that quotations are used as evidence to support a claim that is being made.  It is also to specify that this specific person said these exact words.

This is what I learned today:
- Only use a direct quote when it adds power and style to my writing.
- Always make it clear, from context, that I understand the full meaning of the quote.
- Whether I quote or paraphrase, I must always be transparent about the source and how I'm using it.
- If I use another author's exact words or phrases, to any extent, I have to use quotation marks and give credit.
- If I use another author's presentation of facts or ideas, but put their ideas in my own words, (paraphrase) I better have a good reason for doing so, and I MUST give credit.
- Hyperlinking is so easy, there is no excuse for not being transparent about my sources.


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