
Showing posts from March, 2018

Video Games and Guns

     I have decided to research the effects that video games have on criminal violence.  It was originally perceived in 2015 by the American Psychological Association that video games have a large influence on behavior in people, especially teenagers (Scutti).  This meant that video games would increase aggressive behavior, as well as a common trend to distance themselves from social scenes.  This however has been discovered to be not the case.  In truth, playing video games actually seemed to decrease the number of violent crimes.  This was done studying the crime rate after a major violent video game was released, and crime levels seemed to decrease, or at least not change much at all.  However, this does not take the long term effects of video games into account.  However, 97% of teenagers between the ages of 12 and 17 play video games, which means that the significant majority of the demographic who plays video games do not commit violent crimes.  The American Academy of Pediatric

Brooklyn Bridge

Before the Brooklyn was built, there were many issues with the East River.  There was reliable, easy way to get across except for ferries.  People had to choose to either live and work in Manhattan or Brooklyn, because of unreliable, unsafe transport.( openlab ).  However, the Brooklyn bridge brought major change to both Brooklyn and Manhattan.  The bridge, while not funded for moral reasons, allowed for safe and easy travel, expansion of population in Manhattan to Brooklyn, and the implementation of new technologies to create the largest suspension bridge at the time.   This is a picture of the  ferry  across the East river This is a news paper article about the architect of the Brooklyn Bridge,  John Roebling Before the bridge began construction, 10% of the population of Brooklyn commuted to Manhattan every day.  The Brooklyn Bridge started construction in 1867, and was finished in 1883, spanning a sixteen year construction period.  The construction of the br