
Showing posts from December, 2017

Native American Food

Picture of  Sean Sherman Founder & CEO of Sioux Chef      Sean Sherman, with the real name Oglala Lakota, is a native American chef from the Pine Ridge reservation in South Dakota.  As stated on the  Sioux Chef  official website, Sherman's goal is to incorporate the culinary teachings of his native people into modern cuisine.  In order to do this , he has gone to great lengths to learn about his past, and the culture in the food an native Americans.  He has used information from farming techniques, types of food preservation, the production of salt and sugar, and many other factors.  This is in order to make the most authentic native American food of his heritage.  He is the founder and CEO chef of the Sioux Chef company.  As written on the  Sioux Chef  website, the entire mission of the company is to make native American culinary arts an important part of North American cuisine.  Sherman had worked with many other American chefs in order to make traditional native America

Native American Alcoholism

Statistics of the deaths compared to other ethinicities For Native Americans, alcoholism is an important and damaging issue throughout their communities.  Nearly 12 percent of the total deaths in Native American communities are attributed to alcoholism.  This is significantly larger compared to the national average of 3.3 percent of deaths related to alcohol.  This includes alcohol induced accidents, liver disease, homicide, and suicide.  There are several different factors that could be contributing to the majority of the alcoholism.  Economic disadvantages in Native American communities could be an important reason for people drinking alcohol.  Native Americans have a high rate of unemployment and a low rate of completion of high school and college.  For example, in the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation, the level of those who do not finish high school is 20%, higher than the national average, while the poverty rate is 43%, as opposed to the 15% in the US as a whole.  Thi