
Showing posts from October, 2017

12 Years a Slave as an Educational Movie

To most people, historical movies should play no role in education.  However, historical movies should play a much larger role in education.  The perfect example of an educational movie is 12 Years a Slave .  This movie portrays nearly all aspects of slavery, including the most brutal acts that could be committed by a human.  The movie does not give an entertaining tone, like most would expect from a hollywood movie, but a gruesome and tense feeling, as if any character could be killed at any time.  The reason why 12 Years a Slave is an educational movie is not that it portrays the business of slaves like a documentary, but that it depicts the emotions and experiences the average slave would have, in all their brutality.  This can be seen through film reviews, crew and cast involved in the movie, and the actual experiences of real slaves that have been documented. Chiwetel Ejiofor staring down camera Film critics have seen the power and the emotion this movie carries

Master Slave Relationships

Master and Slave Relationships      Master and slave relationships can vary from a kind master to a brutal master.  For example, an unnamed run away slave said that he would be punished for not smiling or joking like the other slaves would because he looked like he was plotting something.  However, there were slave owners like William Ford, who was kind and felt pity for slaves, but felt that he could do nothing because of the world that he lived in.  Now, from a slaves point of view, all slave owners were bad except in a few rare cases.  However, some slaves judged there slaves from either their experiences of other masters, or witnessing the cruelty or kindness of other slave owners from a far.  Slaves were never allowed to show their hatred for their master, because they would be brutally punished if they did so.  Relationships between slaves were almost always for survival, such as if a slave were to talk about freedom, other slaves would get mad.  This is because they would